“By relinquishing our need and desire to control, explain, and believe the way that our minds talk to us about what was and what is, we find a capacity to open to a new state of consciousness.”
— Adyashanti

Moving beyond a single theory approach, Dr. Haessig uses integrative psychotherapy with mindfulness-based cognitive-behavioral, somatic, marriage/family systems and experiential techniques to bring life to psychodynamic issues and “wounds.”

Beth notes that often our talking, doing and thinking minds serve as a defense against feeling what is really going on.  She works holistically to help clients know and feel their emotions by integrating somatic nondual consciousness and movement.  By working with the body, the stories and scripts which trap us into acting out our habitual thoughts and behaviors are bypassed.  Experiencing previously held or stuck emotions, frees you to live from your true essence, which she believes is love.

In addition to traditional theories and methods of psychology and health, Beth draws from the work of Peter Ralston, Core Energetics, John Wellwood, and Adyashanti. 

For more information about workshops for young women (19-24), see wwwMyBodyMyPleasure.com.



Exceptional Marriage:  www.exceptionalmarriage.com
David Deida work:  www.deida.info